Get Ready for a Fresh Start with the 

Back to YOU 

6 Week Challenge 

starting Monday, September 9th!
If you found it challenging to maintain your healthy habits over the summer,
you're not alone!

Join me for a fresh start this fall and get 6 Weeks of accountability, support, a customized menopause-friendly Meal Plan, and realistic tips and techniques to kickstart your journey to feeling fantastic as we transition into the new season!
The Back to YOU 6 Week Challenge Starts on Monday, September 9th, 2024!









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Does this sound familiar?

  • As fall approaches, you’re struggling with the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause (including weight gain and belly fat!), and it's affecting your daily life and well-being.
  • You’ve noticed changes like hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain, and it’s been challenging to maintain a healthy routine over the summer.
  • Every year, you vow to take better care of yourself, but the demands of life and the complexities of this stage make it hard to stay on track.

That’s where the Back to YOU 6 Week Challenge comes in. Designed for women who want to feel and lose weight, this program offers the support and guidance you need to feel your best
during this stage of life.


Begin This Fall Feeling Fabulous and Embracing Self-Love, All While Managing Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms

Sound like what you're after?

Join me in the Back to YOU

6 Week Challenge!

What's Included In This Challenge

Meal Plan Questionnaire

You will receive a Meal Plan Questionnaire via email on the week of September 2nd (if not earlier). This will give me an insight into your dietary patterns, food preferences, and lifestyle to help me create your meal plan.

Menopause-Friendly Meal Plan

Receive a customized, nutritionist-designed meal plan tailored to meet your individual needs, helping you achieve a healthy and balanced diet during menopause. My previous participants love this unique feature, which sets our challenge apart from others!

Private Facebook Group

Get access to my members-only Facebook group where you’ll get daily training, tips, motivational and informational videos and delicious recipes. Join a community of like-minded challenge participants and hold each other accountable.


Participate in engaging mini-challenges throughout the program to earn points and win exciting incentives. These challenges are designed to keep you motivated, encourage healthy habits, and add a fun, competitive element to your journey. Compete with fellow participants and celebrate your achievements along the way!

Accountability & Support

I’ll be checking in with you in the Facebook Group daily with information, motivation, and nightly check in threads. I’ll also keep you accountable through the weekly check-ins (private messaging with me), so you’ll get plenty of support to succeed!


Back to YOU

6 Week Challenge

Get Your Discount Today!



Your Investment Today:


(save $50)

What You'll Get:

  • Meal Plan Questionnaire
  • Customized Meal Plans
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Mini Challenges
  • Accountability and Support

Kind Words from Clients

"Wow, what a quick 6 Weeks! I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am to have taken this challenge. I feel better and have set standards going forward. Thank you for your continued support throughout this challenge!"

"This one was the best one ever. I felt like I'm finally getting it and figuring out what I really needed all this time. Adding the menopause aspect really made the difference!"

"I wanted to let you know what a difference you have made in my life this last year. You provide the strategies, with tracking steps, water & food tips and recipes in a real-life way that makes it doable."


I'm Susan Ceklosky

As a Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist and owner of Positively Fit U,
I help women like you lose weight and feel great! I do this in a way that not only motivates you, but teaches you how to eat and how to THINK, so you achieve sustainable weight loss. 

I also hold a License in Sports Nutrition, a Weight Loss Coaching Certification, and a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Kinesiology.  I have always had a passion for health, fitness, and helping women feel their best.

Back when Curves Fitness Centers were popular, I owned two locations in the Pittsburgh area over a span of 19 years. I started Positively Fit U about 10 years ago so I could better coach and motivate women both in person and online. I have had clients and Challenge Participants from all over the country! 

Over the past 5+ years, I have been holding 6 Week Challenge Groups on Facebook 3-5 times a year.  Thousands of women have participated in these Challenges and have seen SO much success, whether it be in losing weight, getting off of sugar, or simply getting motivated to take care of themselves and eat better overall.

Now, more than EVER, we need to pay attention to our physical and mental health, and realize that taking care of ourselves is something we CAN control. 

This Challenge is For You If: 

  • You're struggling with menopause symptoms and seeking to regain control and feel like yourself again. 
  • You often feel drained and low on energy, longing for more vitality during the vibrant autumn months.
  • You're overwhelmed by menopause advice, you're looking for a clear plan to improve your health and manage symptoms.
  • You set weight loss goals but get sidetracked. This fall, let's break the cycle and achieve a healthier, more vibrant you.

Imagine where you could be in 6 weeks…

  • Greet the fall with newfound confidence, all while embracing a healthier, more balanced approach to managing menopause and perimenopause symptoms.
  • Your favorite outfits fitting just right, showcasing the results of your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Power through your days with a surge of natural energy, from daily routines to special events, fueled by your dedication to better nutrition and self-care.

The Back to YOU 6 Week Challenge is not just about short-term nutrition and fitness changes. It's about equipping you with the essential knowledge and practices to manage menopause and perimenopause symptoms effectively, embrace self-love, improve nutrition, and embark on a fitness journey that will set the stage for a healthier, more self-loving season ahead!

Invest in your health today!


Your Investment Today:


(save $50)

What You'll Get:

  • Meal Plan Questionnaire
  • Customized Meal Plans
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  •  Mini Challenges
  • Accountability and Support


Back to YOU

6 Week Challenge